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Korea National Contemporary Dance Company membership 'Bandi' means that just like the pinpoints of firefly light gathered to brighten up the dark night sky, KNCDC members would come together to brighten up the journey of KNCDC. We would like to invite you to join our membership where you can enjoy various benefits and delightful entertainment.
Benefits for membership
Type Annual fee Benefits
Gold Bandi
KRW 100,000
  • Provide 40% discount, Pre-Booking opportunity on all performances throughout the year(up to 2 tickets per performance)
  • Provide 30% discount on Dance School tuition
  • Provide 20% discount on the annual membership fee when signing up for a paid membership at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (available for on-site payment at the museum only)
  • Provide a Messaging service
  • Provide membership gifts of KNCDC
Star Bandi
KRW 30,000
  • Provide 30% discount, Pre-Booking opportunity on all performances throughout the year(up to 2 tickets per performance)
  • Provide 20% discount on Dance School tuition
  • Provide 20% discount on the annual membership fee when signing up for a paid membership at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (available for on-site payment at the museum only)
  • Provide a Messaging service
  • Provide membership gifts of KNCDC
How to join

Send an e-mail to kncdc@kncdc.kr to receive application form.