Man to Man
Title Man to Man
Date 2022-09-30 ~ 2022-10-02
Venue Sejong Center for the Performing Arts S Theater
Price R 40,000won / S 30,000won
Age Group Above 7 years old
Contact 02-3472-1420

MAN TO MAN, a new double bill
by the emerging choreographers in the European contemporary dance scene,
Her Sungim and Lali Ayguadé.

Her Sungim who has shown her unrivaled presence across the world including Korea, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and the UK and
Lali Ayguadé, a prominent dancer and choreographer, who has received a lot of attention in the European contemporary dance scene.
The two contemporary choreographers that have captivated an international audience with an overwhelming energy and impressive performance meet for the performance of MAN TO MAN.

Everything Falls Dramatic choreographed in Her Sungim’s own style of minimalism represents the theme of the work with power.
Sublimation, a project that the KNCDC has prepared for three years since 2020, choreographed by Lali Ayguadé shows theatricality unique to her.
These two new pieces will be unveiled in fall 2022.


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Everything Falls Dramatic Choreography_Her Sungim

Choreographer Her Sungim has been noted for illuminating the stories of those on the margins and raising questions about stereotypes in a bold manner. In her new work, the choreographer portrays “things that disappear and fall” we encounter in life both dramatically and calmly.

We sense and feel “disappearance” in different ways in our lives. Amid unpredictability and uncertainty, we see each other disappearing and experience an unexpected parting. Sometimes, we go through a breakup without any expectation or preparation. In our transient life, “to disappear” is the beginning of a new life to come as well as the natural consequence of life. Disappearance may probably be discussed only in the context of the present.
Everything Falls Dramatic.

Sublimation Choreography_Lali Ayguadé

After a long time of waiting due to the COVID-19 pandemic since Lali Ayguadé was invited by the KNCDC in 2019, she finally stages the piece Sublimation this year. They Answer Our Own Gaze, a dance film made during the pandemic, featuring the choreographer and dancers performing at Sublimation, has attracted much attention; it has been invited to Korean and international film festivals such as InShadow – Lisbon ScreenDance Festival and Dance Camera West 2022. Ayguadé highlights the importance of overcoming the fear and revealing our own selves as an individual in society in this work. Sublimation depicts the process of looking inside our true selves and identity instead of being buried in groups we belong to.

Humans are desperate to hide their inner beings and take a calm attitude of defending them in order to protect themselves.
The inner self exists even though “hide-and-seek” is chosen as a strategy for survival in groups. It is in the body where the true self exists in a transparent way. The body becomes a means of revealing truth. Once the layers covering us are removed, everything starts to change and all kinds of worlds unfold as if a door is open. This is a place where there are happiness, sadness, kindness as well as coldness.



Her Sungim 허성임

choreographer Her Sungim has portrayed and illuminated the stories of those who are excluded or marginalized in society. After studying choreography at P.A.R.T.S. (School for Contemporary Dance), Belgium, she has collaborated and performed with Jan Fabre, Les Ballets C de la B, Cie Alias, Abattoir Fermé and Needcompany both in Korea and Europe. Working with Needcompany, a Belgian dance company, for more than 11 years since 2009, Her has created and presented with Needcompany approximately 13 pieces including 25moves and All Tomorrow’s Parties. Besides, she has worked in projects across genres: she choreographed and performed in the piece Three Tales by Opéra de Lille, France as well as performed in Hotel Poseidon, a Belgian indie film. Since 2012, the choreographer has actively created her own productions in Europe: Philia, Tuning, Nymf, Nutcrusher, W.A.Y and Everything Falls Dramatic that she is currently working on. Her Sungim attempts to communicate with a wide range of audience both at home and in Europe through her multi-genre collaborations and performances on the global stage.

랄리 아구아데
Lali Ayguadé 랄리 아구아데

Lali Ayguadé, founder of the Lali Ayguadé Company in 2013, has been creating works at the request of a number of dance companies, such as Bodhi Project and Verve. Born in Catalonia, Ayguadé is a professional dancer with extensive international experience. Ayguadé has previously worked as part of the Hofesh Shechter Company and the Akram Khan Company. As a choreographer, Ayguadé has created a wide variety of works. Especially, the duo Incognito inspired some of the choreography of Juanjo Giménez's short film Timecode, which was also nominated for an Oscar. Lali also appeared in the film Timecode, playing Luna.
Ayguadé produced a trilogy that demonstrated an original exploration of the concept of identity and showcased its first part, Kokoro, in 2015. Following the second part, iU an Mi in 2017, the trilogy was concluded with Hidden in 2020. The Lali Ayguadé Company offers a platform for a myriad of artistic collaborations with choreographers, such as Guilhem Chatir in Here, and Joana Gomila, Magi Serra, Santi Careta, and Laia Laia Vallès in Sa Mateixa.

Everything Falls Dramatic
  • 허성임
    Her sungim
  • 이세준
    Lee Sejoon
  • 조준홍
    Cho Junhong
  • 조현도
    Jo Hyundo
  • 최승민
    Choi Seungmin
  • 하지혜
    Ha Jihye
  • 권요한
    Kwon Yohan
  • 류진욱
    Ryu Jinwook
  • 서동솔
    Seo Dongsol
  • 손지민
    Son Jimin
  • 유재성
    Yu Jaesung
  • 이대호
    Lee Daeho
  • 정재원
    Jung Jaewon
  • 정철인
    Jeong Cheolin
Everything Falls Dramatic
Choreography Her sungim
Music Husk Husk
Dramaturg Yang Yoonhee
Dance Her sungim, Lee Sejoon, Cho Junhong, Jo Hyundo, Choi Seungmin, Ha Jihye
Choreography Lali Ayguadé
Choreography Assistance Akira Yoshida
Music Miguel Marin
Costume Design Jeong Hojin
Dance Kwon Yohan, Ryu Jinwook, Seo Dongsol, Son Jimin, Yu Jaesung, Lee Daeho, Jung Jaewon, Jeong Cheolin
Light Design Lee Younguk
Stage Manager Lee Doyup
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