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We Had No Choice but to Move

We Had No Choice but to Move
Title We Had No Choice but to Move
Date 2025-05-23 ~ 2025-05-25
Time Fri 7:30PM SAT·SUN 3PM
Venue Seoul Arts Center CJ Towol Theater
Age Group 7+
Contact 02-3472-1420
Korea National Contemporary Dance Company
We Had No Choice but to Move


We had no choice but to move. “Movement” is the most fundamental language that proves our existence and the way we live. We Had No Choice but to Move goes beyond a single moment, shaping a new world on stage through the accumulated memories of the body. The traces that vanish create new flows, and these flows continue to build upon each other, forming an ever-evolving language of existence. 

Performed by Kim Boram, Lee Daeho, Lee Jaeyoung, Jang Hyerim, Jeong Cheolin, and Choi Sawol, We Had No Choice but to Move originates from the creative world of each of the six choreographers who have presented their own unique stages. Their physical language, approach to exploring the stage space, and creative flow add their unique color to the performance.

"Gathering under the theme of “notable, on the border, known, forgotten, and still,” these artists come together on one stage. As creative partners, Ye Hyoseung and Park Jinyoung shape their visions and performances, weaving a new narrative together. 



  • 예효승
    Ye Hyoseung
  • 김보람
    Kim Boram
  • 이대호
    Lee Daeho
  • 이재영
    Lee Jaeyoung
  • 장혜림
    Jang Hyerim
  • 정철인
    Jeong Cheolin
  • 최사월
    Choi Sawol
Concept·Direction Ye Hyoseung
Concept·Creative Partner Park Jinyoung
Choreography·Performance Kim Boram, Ye Hyoseung, Lee Daeho, Lee Jaeyoung, Jang Hyerim, Jeong Cheolin, Choi Sawol
Music Director Song Kwangho
Associate Music Director Lee Chandong
Music Session Song Kwangho, Lee Junho, Lee Chandong, Hong Seonghyun, Rachel Epperly
Stage Design Nam Kyungsik
Stage Director Lee Doyup
Lighting Design Lee Younguk



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